black and white bed linen

Descubra o Poder dos Livros

Recomendações e opiniões sobre livros, e temas relacionados a leitura, para inspirar novos leitores e amantes deste mundo.


Assinaturas/Programas que lhe ajudarão a ler mais e implementar o hábito de leitura mais facilmente:

Amazon Prime

Acesso a um catálogo enorme de livros e diversos benefícios, como frete grátis em diversos produtos e uma plataforma de streaming com várias séries e filmes por apenas 19,90 por mês. E 30 dias de teste grátis.

Kindle Unlimited

Um catálogo maior ainda com mais de um milhão de títulos para você escolher. Atualizados mensamelmente.

white and blue printer paper
white and blue printer paper
variety of books
variety of books

Bem-vindo ao Cranio!

Meu nome é Kevin, tenho 23 anos e sou um entusiasta dos livros. Neste blog, compartilho recomendações, opiniões e diversos artigos para inspirar novos leitores e criar uma comunidade de amantes da leitura.

A monochrome image displaying a stack of books on a tabletop with a prominent book titled 'Boy in the Hole' by Akiva Hersh in the center. Other books are surrounding it, including one titled 'Writers in Residence' and another with visible text about community organizing in Cleveland, Ohio.
A monochrome image displaying a stack of books on a tabletop with a prominent book titled 'Boy in the Hole' by Akiva Hersh in the center. Other books are surrounding it, including one titled 'Writers in Residence' and another with visible text about community organizing in Cleveland, Ohio.
Sobre o autor
Nossa missão

Acredito no poder transformador dos livros. Aqui, espero influenciar e conectar leitores, criando um espaço onde todos possam compartilhar suas experiências e amor pela leitura.

A stack of books is arranged on a wooden shelf, with titles facing outward. The books have varied colors and designs, with one prominently displaying the title 'SCRUM' in bold, yellow lettering. Others include 'Building a Second Brain' and works by 'Pierce Brown'. The setting is softly lit with a neutral background, suggesting a quiet and contemplative space.
A stack of books is arranged on a wooden shelf, with titles facing outward. The books have varied colors and designs, with one prominently displaying the title 'SCRUM' in bold, yellow lettering. Others include 'Building a Second Brain' and works by 'Pierce Brown'. The setting is softly lit with a neutral background, suggesting a quiet and contemplative space.


Explore a paixão por livros e compartilhe suas experiências literárias.

Stacks of books with colorful and intriguing covers are neatly arranged. Titles such as 'One of Us is Lying', 'The Monarchs', and 'We'll Always Have Summer' are prominently displayed. The scene suggests a bookstore or a book fair setting.
Stacks of books with colorful and intriguing covers are neatly arranged. Titles such as 'One of Us is Lying', 'The Monarchs', and 'We'll Always Have Summer' are prominently displayed. The scene suggests a bookstore or a book fair setting.
A stack of five books is neatly arranged on a white table. The books are assorted in color and size, featuring prominent titles and authors visible on their spines. The titles include 'Outliers,' 'Crucial Conversations,' 'Deep Work,' 'Getting Things Done,' and 'Tools of Titans.' The background is softly blurred, drawing focus to the books.
A stack of five books is neatly arranged on a white table. The books are assorted in color and size, featuring prominent titles and authors visible on their spines. The titles include 'Outliers,' 'Crucial Conversations,' 'Deep Work,' 'Getting Things Done,' and 'Tools of Titans.' The background is softly blurred, drawing focus to the books.
A display of various books with different genres, featuring both fiction and non-fiction works. The arrangement includes titles like 'Anxious People', 'Angels & Demons', 'The Book Thief', and 'The Way I Used To Be'. The covers are visually distinct with a mix of bold and muted colors, depicting elements and characters relevant to their stories.
A display of various books with different genres, featuring both fiction and non-fiction works. The arrangement includes titles like 'Anxious People', 'Angels & Demons', 'The Book Thief', and 'The Way I Used To Be'. The covers are visually distinct with a mix of bold and muted colors, depicting elements and characters relevant to their stories.

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